A Story About My Son

I am going to go off the organization topic for a day. I hope you don't mind.

But I feel God asking me to share a story about my youngest son. It's a story about how God has a purpose and a plan for you. That you are marked.

Mr. N has been a work of my faith ever since I was 11 weeks pregnant. At 11 weeks I was told he was gone. Fortunately, an ultrasound proved that wrong. 

I spent the remainder of my pregnancy on bed rest, as I had a body that was not responding well to this marked life growing in my belly.

At 34 weeks pregnant, Mr. N decided he was done cooking and made his early arrival. They rushed him out of the room after only a brief snuggle to work on him, and praise God he was doing better then expected. After 2 weeks in the NICU, we got to bring our miracle boy home.

Here is a pic of him after some of the tubes were taken off his face. This is around the mid point of his hospital stay.

Mr. N just turned 5. He is a very adventurous child. His older brother and sister are a lot more cautious. Let's just say that Mr. N keeps me on my toes, and tests my anxiety levels often!

Mr. N just experienced another miracle a few weeks ago. We were on a family trip to Yosemite and my husband decided to take the kids to the river while I stayed behind at the hotel to make lunch.

My husband had the children sit on a rock while he jumped a few rocks ahead on the river. He then had them stand up to take a picture.

 After the picture was taken, Mr. N slippped on a rock and fell into the river and proceeded to be swept down a 5ft rapid (he is in the blue shirt)
Here is where he fell. When my husband got to him he was swirling under the water around the rocks at the bottom of the photo. He pulled him out and thankfully Mr. N was breathing, talking and was only complaining about being very cold.

They were a good 10 minute hike from the hotel room.  My older kids knew the importance of getting back to the room as quickly and safely as possible and did the hike back amazingly! My daughter ran into the room announcing that Mr. N had "fallen down a waterfall" and then in came my sweet little baby boy...wet and shivering like crazy! We immediately pulled him out of his soaking clothes and wrapped him up in towels. I then got into the bed and held him and pulled the covers over us. It took him about an hour to warm up, but he did. 

Here's his miracle. He came out of that fall with a few scrapes on his belly, and the shivers. He was otherwise in perfect condition. His head did not hit a rock. He did not loose consciousness, he did not panic! He is a really good swimmer, so he knew to hold his breath. 

This child is marked. I know God has an amazing purpose for him, for the enemy has been at work to take him out since he was in my belly. I know all my kids will do amazing things with their lives. And I know Mr. N is going to make his mark in the world.
Here is Mr. N the following day, climbing a tree. Like noting happened. 

I wanted to share this as a reminder that you are marked by God. The enemy is always at work to bring you down. It may not be as extreme as falling into the river, but what is the river in your life? What is holding you back from God's wonderful plan for you? 

How is your attitude? Your marriage? Your friendships? The way you view yourself?

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


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