You Matter

I am a daughter of God.

I am a wife.

I am mother.

I homeschool my 3 kids.

I do dishes, laundry and sweep the never ending dust from my floors.

I wipe away tears, kiss boo-boos, and break up arguments over legos.

I tickle, I make jokes, and can act quite goofy.

And until very recently, I was starting to believe the LIE that what I do doesn't really matter.

I was starting to believe that my life wasn't really "important".  I'm not a traveling evangelist bringing the Word of God to people. I'm not a missionary working in an orphanage in Africa. I'm not doing any sort of work in ministry at the moment. Not even a volunteer (we recently started at a new church) I really felt like I was not making a difference at all.

But I was. I was being snippy with my kids and my husband. I was spending less and less time in my Bible. My prayer time was diminishing. I was feeling discouraged which I know shines through no matter how much I try to hide it.

I started questioning why I homeschool my kids. Home educating my kids is my PASSION! I really believe in my heart that is what God wants me to do in this season on life. So why start to question it all?

I am learning something in all this.

I matter.

My ministry is right in front of me. It's not glamorous, and I made the mistake of comparing my life with others, and you really can't do that. God has a plan and purpose for my life which will not look the same as anyone else. So why compare?

My ministry is the people around me. The people God places before me. The relationships that I am in now. And the relationships that are to be formed. Ministry is about people. Helping people. Sharing the love of God to people. Living your life as a "shining star" that points to Jesus. That's what I teach my kids...maybe I should start to practice what I preach.

So today if you are thinking the way I was...that what you do is not is! If you are a stay at home mom, a working mom, a ministry mom, or not even a mom at all what you do in the every day is important! And it's your ministry. The people in your world are your ministry field. It's your family, it's your friendships, it's your neighbors, it's the people in your Bible study, it's the congregation of your church. The list goes on and on.

You matter. What you do in the every day matters. Don't ever forget that.


  1. HI! I'm finally going to sit down and write out a comment lol since I always read but have not taken time to introduce myself (I don't think- if I have ignore that lol!) I found your blog over the summer.. at the time, my husband and I had just left a church where he was serving (He is also a minister) and we were having to move as well... It was a hard summer but your blogs encouraged me a lot, and I wanted you to know this! Just as you, we are finally back on our feet and managing to home school, so I wanted to take the time and let you know that your posts encourage me! Now that I've introduced myself I don't feel quite as much a stalker lol!
    Stacy- over at PS: Mommy Loves You: :)

    1. Thank you so much Stacy! Sometimes I feel like I just write to "internet space" so hearing that my posts are an encouragement to you is a HUGE blessing!

  2. Love this post, so important. Love the last lines, especially. It's so easy to forget that we - us Mums - matter too, which is unfortunate, because we should take the utmost care of ourselves, and have the utmost respect for ourselves, as we're the foundation on which the whole rest of the family is built...

  3. You do matter, Julie! We all do. Thank you for that reminder today. Blessings to you and yours. (Visiting from the Deliberate mom link-up) ~Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

  4. This really resonated with me. I have done this to myself numerous times. You're doing very important work! You're doing one of the most important jobs there is! This is your ministry (it's mine too). We have to see it that way... and always be thankful.

    Thank you so much for sharing this vulnerable reflection (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely week.


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