Why I Love Church

If you know me, you will know that I love having a relationship with Jesus, and that I am not a fan of religion.

I love church.

A healthy church.

Where the focus is on Jesus and not the color of the carpet.

But what is it about church that makes me love it so??

Well, finding the right church for you is important. The biggest lesson I have learned the last couple of years is that if the church is not a fit for you, find one that is. There are a lot of different styles of church, all with pros and cons. The most important thing is to find a place where your relationship with God will grow. Where your passion for Jesus will increase!

I love a church that is full of life! I want to be around the people who attend church not out of duty...to just "mark it off the calendar". They want to be there. They want to see change in our world.

I love a church that challenges me weekly to be the best me I can be. I love that I leave church feeling challenged! I love that I have goals for the week of things I want to work on, to see change or growth in.

I love the freedom of worship. I love a church were the worship is loud and full of passion. I love to be in a room with people pushing into the presence of God. Hands raised, hearts singing worship to our Lord. It's a beautiful and moving thing.

I love the passion for the lost, and for our city. I love a church that looks beyond it's 4 walls and wants to be an impact in the community. I love a church that looks for needs and fills them.

I love a church that encourages relationships. That urges you to join a small group and to get connected. I love a place where the goal is for not one person to be left out and be disconnected.

I love church.


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