Make Everyday Count

I made a big effort over the summer to make sure we were getting out and having some fun everyday.

I was Instagramming (is that even a word??) pics with hashtag #summerfun and #makeeverydaycount. I wanted to make memories, capture them, and inspire friends to do the same.

Now we are into the full swing of school and I have found that I have let the summer fun slide and have not really been making every day count!

San Diego is a city where summer never ends really....the weather is amazing here....but once "school was in" I found we were spending less time outside enjoying the beauty God has given us!

Yes, school is a priority....OF COURSE! But school does not take all day long! I found I was acting like it was winter and 20 below outside and just staying in during the afternoon.

The result? Restless kids, bored kids, grumpy kids, and a Mom who felt the same!

So I'm back on track with my commitment to get the kids out and enjoying activities around our city. Some days it's as simple as a trip to the park or beach, and other days it will be checking out an attraction, special event, or school group field trip.

Kids grow so fast...and before you know it those times you had to make special memories and have those great moments are gone!

So I encourage you to join me and do something special to make every day with the beautiful treasures God gave you!


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