Writing During Summer Break

I know, we just watched the first day of spring pass us by, but I am already thinking of summer!

If you started homeschooling the kids in August like I did, you are seeing the end of the workbooks getting closer and closer by the day!

So that got me thinking, what are we going to do this summer to keep all the stuff they learned during the school year fresh and not forgotten??

I usually will pick up a "Bridge Workbook" at my local book store. It has a page of activities to do  daily that helps keep things fresh. I also usually join any "summer reading program" at my local library. Both very helpful and highly recommended!

But this summer I really want to focus on journal writing and other creative writing activities. I have not put too much focus on this in previous years and I can see the results when we start the school year and I find a lot of spelling mistakes and sloppy writing.

So I thought I would put the question out to you guys before I spend too much time on the internet trying to find some fun ideas. What do you do to keep the writing juices flowing in the summer?

My daughter will be going into 4th grade, and is just really beginning to enjoy writing.
My son will be going into 2nd grade and cringes at any writing assignment presented to him.
My youngest will be starting K, and to have him sit still long enough to write the alphabet is a miracle. :)

So please comment below and SHARE your knowledge and ideas! I'm sure I'm not the only momma out there who is desiring some fun writing ideas for the summer! Let's be a community and help each other out!


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