Spring Clean Schedule

Welcome to my week long series on Spring Cleaning!

I know a lot of you are still buried in snow, but here in San Diego spring has definitely sprung!

So here is a schedule I made to keep your spring cleaning on track and hopefully completed in a week!

I also added this link so you can get access to the file yourself and print it out. You can also edit it to fit your home or schedule!

Spring Clean Schedule

Happy Cleaning! I know spring cleaning can be a bit of a pain in the butt, but when it's done you just feel GREAT! And your house looks FANTASTIC! Well, until the kids make a mess...but anyways....

Here is a look at what topics we will be covering the rest of the week!

Tuesday: Toy Rotation
Wednesday: Clean/Purge the Closets
Thursday: What's in the Pantry
Friday: Bathrooms

Linking up here:
MomsTheWord party



  1. Wow, it looks like your home will be sparkling!

  2. Julie...that's a great spring cleaning schedule. Grateful you shared it at WJIM's Monday's Musings. Blessings.


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