Turn the Clocks Ahead, Clean Up The House!

This weekend marks that wonderful thing called Daylight Savings Time!

Spring Forward! Spring is coming (hopefully!) Yippee!

At this time of year a lot of people begin to think about "spring cleaning" and I love it! Get those closets cleaned out, organize those kids toys, look in the back of the pantry on the bottom shelf, dust the things that have not been dusted in far too long! (ceiling fans anyone?)

So please come back next week as I will be celebrating spring with a 5 part series on Spring Cleaning and getting your home organized for the remainder of the year!

Here is what we will be covering!

Monday: Spring Clean in a week schedule
Tuesday: Toy Rotation
Wednesday: Clean/purge the closets 
Thursday: What's in the Pantry
Friday: Bathroom

I hope you will join me in getting our homes all ready for spring!


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