Why am I so TIRED??
On Monday's I go for breakfast with a few of the girls from church..for the last couple of weeks one of my friends has looked over at me and said "You are so quiet, you ok?"
No. I'm not. I'm trying to stay conscious right now. Trying to keep my head from crashing into my plate of scrambled eggs. It's terrible. It's like I have this cloud of dust bunnies in my head making it a fog.
I find myself in this pose quite often!
I do not have a newborn baby at home that commands me to wake up every 4 hours during the night.
I get enough sleep.
I don't eat as well as I should, but we are working on that...
So why am I so tired???
I'm stressed.
I feel like I'm not so great at this pastor wife gig.
I feel like I should be a better wife.
I feel like I am not being the mom my kids need me to be.
I feel like I could be doing WAY better in my home management skills...I used to be so much better then this....
I feel like homeschool should be going better...the kids should enjoy it more. I should enjoy it more.
Are those thoughts familiar friends?
WHY do we keep on letting satan whisper those lies into our minds? Why do we let him sneak in, and then before we realize what happened we talk ourselves into believing we are complete failures? Why do we look at Suzie down the street and wish we had it all together like she does?
You know what? Suzie doesn't have it all together. NONE OF US DO!
That is why we have this beautiful savior named JESUS!
You know, there is a reason we need to be in the Word daily. We need to put on our armor. We need to build ourselves up on who God says we are.
Yet so often we struggle to get into the Word. We are busy. I know we have a lot going on, but maybe instead of being on Pinterest or Facebook for 30 minutes, we should reach for the Word.
I know that if I spent more time with God, I would have a strong foundation and would probably speak and feel the following about myself:
I'm at peace.
I feel like I can use this gift of being a pastors wife as an opportunity to reach my world.
I am an amazing wife, I love and honor my husband.
I adore my children and I am so blessed that God choose my to be their Momma. I love to serve their needs and raise them up in the ways of the Lord.
My home runs just fine. Not always perfect, but we are have clothes on our back, food in our bellies and we have fun. It may not always look perfect, but it will do for us.
I love the opportunity I have to teach my kids on our homeschool journey. I love to learn with them. We go and explore, learn new things and enjoy each other.
So friends, if you find yourself tired, look at the lists above....are you thinking a lot of things in the first list, or the second list? The way we view ourselves and our lives has a lot to do with our health...spiritual, emotional, physical.
I know I need to soak in God's presence more then I do. I know I need to daily remind myself who I am in Christ. Do you too?
I want to find myself in this pose instead:
Join me in a pledge to spend more time in God's presence. If you are new to having a devotional time with God, try reading a Proverb a day. 31 Proverbs...one for each day of the month. A perfect place to begin. Linking up here:

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No. I'm not. I'm trying to stay conscious right now. Trying to keep my head from crashing into my plate of scrambled eggs. It's terrible. It's like I have this cloud of dust bunnies in my head making it a fog.
I find myself in this pose quite often!
I do not have a newborn baby at home that commands me to wake up every 4 hours during the night.
I get enough sleep.
I don't eat as well as I should, but we are working on that...
So why am I so tired???
I'm stressed.
I feel like I'm not so great at this pastor wife gig.
I feel like I should be a better wife.
I feel like I am not being the mom my kids need me to be.
I feel like I could be doing WAY better in my home management skills...I used to be so much better then this....
I feel like homeschool should be going better...the kids should enjoy it more. I should enjoy it more.
Are those thoughts familiar friends?
WHY do we keep on letting satan whisper those lies into our minds? Why do we let him sneak in, and then before we realize what happened we talk ourselves into believing we are complete failures? Why do we look at Suzie down the street and wish we had it all together like she does?
You know what? Suzie doesn't have it all together. NONE OF US DO!
That is why we have this beautiful savior named JESUS!
You know, there is a reason we need to be in the Word daily. We need to put on our armor. We need to build ourselves up on who God says we are.
Yet so often we struggle to get into the Word. We are busy. I know we have a lot going on, but maybe instead of being on Pinterest or Facebook for 30 minutes, we should reach for the Word.
I know that if I spent more time with God, I would have a strong foundation and would probably speak and feel the following about myself:
I'm at peace.
I feel like I can use this gift of being a pastors wife as an opportunity to reach my world.
I am an amazing wife, I love and honor my husband.
I adore my children and I am so blessed that God choose my to be their Momma. I love to serve their needs and raise them up in the ways of the Lord.
My home runs just fine. Not always perfect, but we are have clothes on our back, food in our bellies and we have fun. It may not always look perfect, but it will do for us.
I love the opportunity I have to teach my kids on our homeschool journey. I love to learn with them. We go and explore, learn new things and enjoy each other.
So friends, if you find yourself tired, look at the lists above....are you thinking a lot of things in the first list, or the second list? The way we view ourselves and our lives has a lot to do with our health...spiritual, emotional, physical.
I know I need to soak in God's presence more then I do. I know I need to daily remind myself who I am in Christ. Do you too?
I want to find myself in this pose instead:
Join me in a pledge to spend more time in God's presence. If you are new to having a devotional time with God, try reading a Proverb a day. 31 Proverbs...one for each day of the month. A perfect place to begin. Linking up here:
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