Kitchens and Bathrooms

Hello Friends! So sorry I missed posting yesterday on The Kitchen Pantry! I ended up helping the hubby so some stage design at the church and it ended up eating my entire day up!

So, here we are and I will now just combine our Kitchen and Bathroom posts into one!

Alright, so here we go!

Kitchens! I love to just empty everything out and give it a good clean! But especially the fridge and the pantry! Here are some tips to getting those places organized!

1. Check the dates! With everything coming out of the fridge and pantry, make sure only fresh stuff is going back in!

2. Organizers! Now this is my dream, and I have yet to do this, but I would love to get some organization bins for the pantry. I would have one for snacks that the kids could just help themselves too! Maybe another for spices and other loose ends, etc. You can also do these for the fridge!

Something like these....

Now on to the bathrooms!

Get rid of what you don't need!: Purge that old makeup you do not use anymore...check those dates on the medicine in the cabinet and get rid of things outdated!

Find a home for the loose stuff: If you have a bathroom like me, you have band aids, toothbrushes, razors, etc. Lots of loose things that can just float around the bathroom. Make sure you find a "home" for all these things. Again, little organizers are very very helpful for this room too!

Here are some examples of bathroom storage:

I hope you enjoyed our week long series on "spring cleaning"! When you tackle the house to do your clean up, make it fun! And keep that end result of organization and order in mind!

Linking up here!


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