Clean/Purge The Closets!

Welcome to Wednesday! Today we will be talking about cleaning and purging our closets!
I know, cleaning the closets is always a drag, but that feeling of seeing things organized and in place is wonderful!
Here are some tips for closet cleaning!
1. PURGE! If you have not worn that dress in 6 months, GET RID OF IT!!! Take an honest look at every piece of clothing and be honest on whether or not you really need to keep it.
2. Storage Bins: By putting things in organizational bins in your closet, it makes things look much neater. Put books in bins, craft supplies, etc. You can even get some cute labels to make it super cute!
Kinda like this:
3. Wipe the shelving and walls: While everything is out of the closet, make sure you clean it! Wipe the shelves, walls and clean the flooring.
4. Live by the saying LESS IS MORE! After your purge, and as you put things back in the closet, ask yourself with each item if you are going to use it. You really only want to keep the things you use, and not waste space with "stuff"
Hope that helps! Happy closet cleaning!
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