Toy Rotation
Welcome to day 2 of our week long series about Spring Cleaning! If you are just joining us, look back at yesterday's post for a "Spring Clean in a Week" schedule!
Today we will be diving into the wonderful world of Toys!
I have 3 kids and live in a 900sq ft apartment. I do not have a lot of room for toys. Here are some tips I use to keep the toy situation from getting completely out of control!
1. Purge: I go through the toys about 4 times a year. During this process I get rid of things that are broken, happy meal toys, and just whatever else I think the kids are finished with and have grown out of. If the toys are in good shape, of course donate!
2. Toy Rotation: Another way to "keep things fresh" is that I do a toy rotation. This is great if you have a garage or another form of storage space to put some stuff! I will fill a bin or 2 with "popular toys". These are toys that the kids use, but I just don't have the room for.
I will store these toys away, and in about 6 months I will bring them out. The kids get SO EXCITED because they have forgotten these toys have been in storage, and it's almost like they got a bunch of new toys. Of course, when you bring those bins out of the garage, you need to put some of the toys they have had out for 6 months in the bins to get put away for a while. The kids are more willing to let go of the toys because they know they will see them again in a few months, and they can enjoy the ones that just made a return. Win Win Win.
3. Get the Kids Involved: Encourage giving. I like to have the kids go through their things with me (this is also good for clothing) and to be encouraged to donate some of the things they are not using as much anymore. You are teaching them that it is good to give, and to not just be thinking of themselves.
Well, I hope my few tips here have been helpful to you! Come back tomorrow as we will be discussing cleaning and purging closet spaces!
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