How's The Journey?

Hi Friends!

I pray this post finds you well as we are continuing to navigate all the crazy in the world!

I last posted way back in January, sharing my "One Word" for the year, which was Journey.

And what a Journey it has been!!

Who knew back then that our world was about to be turned upside down and sideways??

So, here I am. Coming back to you in August.

How's the Journey, you ask?

It's been rough friends! As I'm sure it has been for all of us in some form or another. But for me, all the Covid-19 stuff brought out an anxiety in me that I knew was in there for a long time, I just had no idea how bad until all this started.

So for that last 6 months I have been journeying.

I just had no idea when I picked my word, it would be a journey in dealing with Anxiety and Fear. And that is the battle I have been fighting, and continue to fight today. And will continue to fight until I win.

So I wanted to pop on here and share a couple of things that have been helping me, in hopes they can also help you. Again, I am not there yet, I am still at war with the thoughts in my head. But I have picked up a couple of weapons along the way....

1. God's Word.
BOOM! Simply get in the Bible. Read anything! A Psalm a day, whatever! Download the Bible App and do some plans on anxiety.

2. Pray.
I do this in many forms. Praying in words. Praying through songs and worship. Praying through tears in the shower pleading for God to take this away from me. Get real. Get raw. It's ok to cry out to God.

3. Move your Body
Exercise is a great thing to help clear your mind, and also to help release any frustrations you may have! lol
Even if it's just a simple walk, move your body, get outside, get fresh air. It's good for the soul.

4. Eat Right.
Honestly, still working on this one. I tend to hit the carbs when stressed. So I need to pay WAY more attention to this one!

5. Talk to Someone!!
Find a friend who you feel safe talking to and let them know your struggles. Ask them to pray for you. It's also ok to seek therapy! Get the help you need!

Anxiety and Fear are no joke. They can really mess with your mind and affect not only you, but your loved ones as well.

Love yourself and if you area struggling, I pray you will take the necessary steps to win the battle. I am praying for you!


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