
I pick a word every year.

My word this year is  J O U R N E Y

 But instead of taking a physical journey this year, I chose my word because I want to take a spiritual journey.

2019 was a year guys. It beat me up a bit. Yes, there were tremendous blessings, and wonderful growing experiences that taught me so much and brought me so much joy. But all that was overshadowed by a lot of negative events and circumstances.

Those events and circumstances really affected my relationship with God. 

Do I love God? Yes, of course. Do I still think He is real? Yes, of course. Have I seen Him do amazing things? Yes, of course.

But here is where I have been struggling. I have been struggling in the why and the reason for all the stuff. What is His direction? Why did situations have the outcomes they had? Why can't I understand? Where is He? Why when I cry out for Him, He seems so quiet? Why do I feel like when not one more negative thing can happen, it does.

I need to journey back to Him

I need to get to a place of fully trusting Him and His plan. His ways are far better then mine, right? Then if so, why do I sit and question every situation? Every decision people have made? Things people have said? Why do I let that affect me so much? Well, I'm human! But my focus has been on the circumstances around me, not the One in control.

So I plan to dive in, as hard as that seems to do right now. To dive into His Word, to dive into Worship, and get back to the place I once was. A place where I had full trust in the Lord. Where I knew He had my back. And I know to get back there, I need to journey. It won't happen overnight. But I need to take the first steps on the journey. This post is part of that step. To write it out. It's therapy for me. And I pray it encourages you in some way.

Another focus of my journey in 2020 is to get back to where I once was in my daily disciplines.

I used to rock at a daily routine. 

Now, it's pretty inconsistent. I will work out here and there during the week. I will do my devotions in the morning before the kids are up a day or two, then the routine falls away. I can't even seem to keep it together to get my vitamins daily! Working this past year really made this part of life fall apart a bit.

So for this my handy cell phone is helping me out. Calendars are up to date and alarms are set. Reminders are in place to be a bit better organized in my day. I started all that this week, and although it has not been perfect, the improvements are great!

Meals are planned, our homeschool days saw a TREMDOUS IMPROVEMENT, and I have just felt more on top of things in the home. 

It has been encouraging, and I am seeing that I can get to a place where my day to day can quickly get back on track. I will just need to KEEP things on track.

At the end of the day, I know God has an amazing plan for my life. And I am so so blessed with my family. I know the struggles I have been facing are things I can work on, and work through. I know that someday I will see things from the other side. And I look forward to stand there and see what God had going on all along.

Be blessed my friends!
What is your word for 2020?
How can I pray for you?


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