Week in Review

I did a post earlier in the week on my goals for June.

And I am happy to report I have had a great work out week! I got my butt out of bed, did my run and got my workouts in! Woot Woot!

I kinda feel like this! But am not in this good of shape! lol
Another thing I did daily was make sure I had a fun activity planned for the kids. With us now officially on summer break I have more day to fill! We do summer workbooks to keep their skills up, but that work does not take long to do.  The kids are becoming bored quickly and we are very early into summer!

Our week included time at the park, fun with bubbles, arts and crafts at the library and a pool party at a friends house! All little to no cost, and most importantly FUN! Check with your library and local community calendar and find some fun stuff to do with the kids!

Hope your weeks were fun and you got some stuff off the never ending "to do list"


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