Taking School on the Road

The last couple of months have included frequent trips out of town as my hubby is doing some work in sales. Since it's easy for us to pick up and join him, we have tagged along on these trips.

But not wanting to get behind in school, we packed up the school bag and took it along! Here are some things I learned to make it a little easier when traveling.

1. Only take what you REALLY need. My kids have a calendar binder they do, Miss F has a binder full of cursive worksheets she works on daily. Everyone has journals they do writing in. These things I left behind. They were not mandatory and were things we could easily catch up on once we were back home.

2. If you are joining your spouse on a business trip, schedule school while your spouse is busy with work commitments. My hubby was tied up in the evenings, so I did not want to have half the daytime wasted on waiting for us to complete school. We worked on our assignments in the evenings and enjoyed family activities during the day. (This may not work the greatest on younger kids, but our kids are old enough to be able to handle doing school work in the evening.)

3. Make sure you have enough activities for the kids to do at the hotel, and enough snacks for them to eat! Our first trip I failed to pack any toys. As a result the kids became bored in our down time. Lesson learned!

4. If you get behind on your school calendar, it's ok! You can catch up once back home and in the regular routine!

5. Most important! HAVE FUN! The reason you joined your spouse was to enjoy some family time so make sure you enjoy the family time! Make memories and laugh a lot!


  1. Kids can learn a lot more from life than they can from a textbook! Excited about you sharing this journey, its a dream of mine, honestly :)


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