You Do Not Have To Be a Frumpy Mommy

I have a bit of a pet peeve today.

Why, when the stay at home mother being talked about, does this picture cross so many people's minds?

Just because you are a stay at home mom, it does not mean you need to forget about yourself!

I just finished watching a video on facebook that had a "stay at home mom" singing her version Let It Go. I was so bummed to see her dressed in pajama pants, a big baggie sweater and her hair pulled up in a messy pony tail. It's sad that this is the representation of the stay at home mom.

I like to make sure I look as good as I can everyday. Even if I'm just staying home, I still put on the makeup and do my hair, and even wear jeans and a cute shirt! (or a dress even!! GASP!)  Why? Why, when you are cleaning, doing laundry, schooling the children? Why do you bother? Because it makes ME feel good about myself! I am important! I need to take care of me! I want to look good! Not just for me, but for my husband, and to be an example to my kids.

Being a stay at home mom is one of the hardest and most rewarding "job" out there. I want to represent it well. I would much rather have people picture this when they think stay at home mom.

Beautiful, put together, keeping our homes running. We are super heros ladies!


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