
I have always wanted to blog. And to be honest I have started and stopped multiple blog ideas.

I really thought I had it with this idea. A blog about home organization. A place to share the things that work in our home.

Since I have started the blog, I have become more and more DISORGANIZED!

I feel a bit out of place, blogging all these organization things that I do in my home. I do use the tips I have posted, and I hope some of them work for you, and that you may have gotten a fresh idea.


I constantly find myself frazzled and not on top of things like I used to 4 years ago. I was really on top of things back then, I was closest I have been to "supermom". This blog would have been a great theme and a great idea back then. Now I am constantly forgetting things, not being prepared, losing things (see the post about the check), so why on earth are you blogging about organization?????

So I have been praying, and asking God for direction. I love blogging, I love sharing posts and linking up with other great blogs, and I love to see that people visit the blog and I love to encourage others!

And then God said to me something so simple..


Well, that covers more then where I store the Legos!

So here you will find posts about what we are doing to fill our home with joy.

Because my home is where my heart is. I am far from having it all together, but I want to have a home that is pleasing to the Lord. I want to give my best to my family and I want to share that and be an encouragement to other mommas out there.

Yes, I will still post on organization but I want this to be more about the HEART of what makes our homes HOME! The place where we put God first, the place our kids to learn and grow, where healthy marriages flourish.

I hope you enjoy your visit here.

xo Julie


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